
put the words in the correct order.

1 city / big / а   A big city

2 CD / good / a A good CD

3 resteurent / an / expensive An exspensive resterent

4 interesting / museum / an An interesting museum

5 football team / good / a A good football team

6 computer game / an / interesting An interesting computer game



Mother’s Day — It is a story about a KIWI

My Christmas gift

My favourite day — Chinese New Year / Christmas in New Zealand


Easter Bunny


English in the kitchen

Ռադիյո նութեր

Reading project — THE FOX AND THE STORK



Actors of The Lord of the Rings.

Easter Bunny

Mother’s Day — It is a story about a KIWI

My hobby

My hobby

Hello, one of my hobby is to collect old Soviet’s cones and cones of different countries.

Also  I like to collect nice stones. I have a big collection of stones. One of them is a flat stone with a little hole in the middle.

A: Are you a teacher? B: Yes, I am.

2A: Is your name Marcus? B: Yes, it is.

3A: Are your children here? B: No, they  aren’t.

4A: Is your suitcase? B: No, it  isn’t.

5A: Where  are we? B: I think this is are Oxford street.

6A:  Is it Saturday today? B: No, It ‘s’re Sunday.

7A:Are your friends from the UK? B: No, they he is from the US.

8A: Hello, Maria. How are you? B: I’m are fine, thanks.

9A: How old  is Peter? B: I think he is 30 years old.

10A: Are David and Molly here? B: Yes, they’re next to the door.

He saving (save) money because he wants to buy a car.

2You  are not listening(not listen) to me.

3My parents  looks(look) for a new apartment.

4The victim  not(not cooperate) with the police.

5We  planing(plan) a trip to Japan.

6I  cooking(cook) fish for dinner.

7The water  boils(boil). You can put the pasta now.

8He  not training(not train) because he has health problems.

9I  not working(not work) at present. I’m unemployed.

10It  not rining(not rain) now. We can go to the park.

Questions & answers

  • Who is the nicest person you know? Ո՞վ է ձեր իմացած ամենալավ մարդը:
My family.
What do you like most about your mom/dad/brother/sister? Ի՞նչն է ձեզ ամենաշատը դուր գալիս ձեր մայրիկի/հայրիկի/եղբոր/քրոջ մեջ:
Their kindness, sense of humor.
If you could live in a cartoon, what cartoon would you choose? Եթե կարողանայիք ապրել մուլտֆիլմում, ո՞ր մուլտֆիլմը կընտրեիք:
Would you be yourself, or would you want to be one of the characters already in the cartoon? Կլինեի՞ք ինքներդ, թե՞ կցանկանայիք լինել մուլտֆիլմի արդեն հերոսներից մեկը:
I would like to be myself.
What do you think about the clothing styles today? Ի՞նչ կարծիքի եք այսօրվա հագուստի ոճերի մասին:
They are so different, I don’t know, some I like, some not.
What was the best present given to you? Ո՞րն է եղել ձեզ տրված լավագույն նվերը:
What is the hardest thing to do? Ո՞րն է ամենադժվարը անելը:
What makes you angry? Ի՞նչն է ձեզ զայրացնում:
What would you do with $100? Ի՞նչ կանեիք 100 դոլարով:
I shall buy toys & book “THE SIMARILLION” by Tolkien.
If you could change the colour of the sky, what colour would you choose? Եթե կարողանայիք փոխել երկնքի գույնը, ո՞ր գույնը կընտրեիք:
I don’t want to change the color of the sky.
Describe yourself in 3 words. Նկարագրի՛ր քեզ 3 բառով.
What’s the difference between playing alone and playing with your friends? Ո՞րն է տարբերությունը մենակ խաղալու և ընկերներիդ հետ խաղալու միջև:
When I play with friends, we discuss for along  which game to play, and when I play along I clearly know what I want to play. 
What is something hard for you to share? Ո՞րն է ձեզ համար դժվար կիսվելը:
That is a secret.
Who is your favourite person at school? Ո՞վ է քո սիրելի մարդը դպրոցում:
Smbat Petrosyan.
Can you tell me about your P.E. class? Կարող եք պատմել ինձ ձեր P.E.
What’s your favourite place that you’ve gone to on vacation? Ո՞րն է ձեր սիրելի վայրը, որտեղ գնացել եք հանգստի:

If you had a secret room in your house, what would you keep there? Եթե ձեր տանը գաղտնի սենյակ ունենայիք, ի՞նչ կպահեիք այնտեղ։

That is a secret.